A Week of Color Exploration
Still have two more days of our week to go, but we have done
so many fun, awesome things, that I wanted to share them
with you! Enjoy and hope it gives you some ideas!
We started off our week with reading Pete the Cat's I Love My White Shoes book.
We also watched some Pete the Cat things on youtube. Found this printable at Coloring page
We followed along together and sang his song with each color.
We played this game quite a bit the last few days!
I just searched Converse shoes to get a sheet of shoe pics. Printed and cut apart on tag board.
I also printed a little pic of Pete to hide under a shoe while the kids hide their eyes.
Before they could flip a card, they had to say...
"Pete, are you under the orange shoe?"
This helps them learn to put full sentences together
instead of saying, "Pete, orange shoe?"
We made this cute craft I had seen on pinterest.
Super simple and it was good cutting practice as they cut out
the curved belly part, the head, tail and shoes.....while I cut out the eyes
they made, whiskers, and shoelaces.
We found it stood easier if you folded the shoes outward and glued
the legs together.
The next day we watched my 25 year old VHS movie of
Rainbow Fish while eating popcorn for our morning snack.
For our craft we used celery pieces to paint scales on our fish.
I found the fish printable at Rainbow fish printable
We each had some foil "scales" to share with a friend :)
We used blue Play-doh and pony beads, shiny buttons and other beads to
decorate some beautiful rainbow fish.
One of our science experiments was:
We filled two clear cups with water and added a few drops of blue
food coloring in one and some yellow in another. We sat those two cups up
on a plastic container. Then we sat another container down in front of those. We took
two long, thin strips of paper towels and put one end in the colored water and the other end of each on into the empty cup. We let this sit and checked on it periodically and you can see how the
water walked down the paper and combined to make a new color. This was a big hit :)
Tomorrow we are going to use red & yellow and then the next day we are going to use
red and blue and then use ALL the colors we used and made to watercolor with the next day :)
We used primary colors to do marble roll paintings
I wrapped construction paper around different tubes and taped to a big wipe-off board and supplied
them with a bowl of colored objects to use tongs or tweezers to grasp and drop into
the matching tube. Once all objects were dropped we counted to find most/least/equal.
Colored Bean Bag Toss Game
We just laid out sheets of construction paper to match the bean bags we have.
You could also use colored tape to tape off shapes to throw colors into.
Then we counted how many total bags we could get on the sheets. This game
was also a hit and played a lot.
Parking Lot Color Match
I made a parking lot with a large sheet of paper and construction paper
parking spaces. the easiest thing to use to make the white lines is...Wite-out or the one on the
little wheel (which is what I used). Just pick what cars you want to use and have the
matching colors to park on.
Plastic trays & Plastic cubes to sort
Totty Tiles - Shape/Color matching game
Fun with Eye Droppers and colored water
Colorful Magnets
Color puzzles
We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and made these
take home story cards in an emvelope.
The printable I used, but there are many
online if you like a different one.
Mixing new colors with two paints
and some shaving cream. We saved these to
paint with outside at the end of the week.
Our second "Walking Water" Experiment
What will Red & Yellow make???
They made ORANGE!!
Painting the fence with our
shaving cream paint from the bags.
Our last "Walking Water" experiment
What will Blue & Red make??
Shaving cream sprayed on top of water and
watercolors dripped on top.
These make beautiful fireworks
under the water as the colors drip through.
Feeding the right colored block to each
of our very hungry Lego Monsters.
Matching colors and shapes flannel board activity
Using our shaving cream/eye dropper experiment outside to
fingerpaint pics
and Letters on the picnic table
Using up all the shaving cream water to throw
on the fence to clean off the water.
Red & Blue make Purple!!!!!
That is most of our activities for the week!
Hope this helps you have a
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